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The banking sector in an emerging market : the case of Indonesia1997»»»
Soedradjad Djiawandono, J.
The case for benign neglect2000»»»
Siebert, Horst
The case of Thailand2000»»»
Meecharoen, Kiettisak
The cash deficit : rationale and limitations1993»»»
Levin, Jonathan
The central bank's role in fostering financial system stability : a canadian perspective2002»»»
Knight, Malcolm D.
The challenges of a sound banking system1997»»»
Camdessus, Michel
The changing role of the IMF and the World Bank in assessing and promoting financial system soundness2002»»»
Lindgren, Carl Johan
The debt crisis and its resolution1995»»»
Truman, Edwin M.
The debt problem1986»»»
Mohammed, Azizali F.
Lomax, David
Ponce de Leon, Ernesto Zedillo
The decline of national treatment in US financial services trade policy1995»»»
Wallison, Peter J.
The deficit as an indicator of government solvency : changes in public sector net worth1993»»»
Blejer, Mario I.
Cheasty, Adrienne
The early years of the International Monetary Fund»»»
Bernstein, Edward Morris
The euro and european financial markets1997»»»
McCauley, Robert Neil
White, William R.
The euro and exchange rate stability1997»»»
Benassy-Quere, Agnes
Mojon, Benoit
Pisani-Ferry, Jean
The euro, the dollar and international monetary system1997»»»
Alogoskoufis, George
Portes, Richard
The euro, yen and dollar : making the case against benign neglect2000»»»
Coeure, Benoit
Pisani-Ferry, Jean
The finance of China's entreprise sector2003»»»
Heytens, Paul
Karacadag, Cam
The financial sector1991»»»
Saunders, Edward W.
The growth-financial development nexus2003»»»
Duenwald, Christoph
Aziz, Jahangir
The impact of European Union Association Agreements on Mediterranean countries2001»»»
Ghesquiere, Henri
The impact of Japanese economic policies on the Asia region2003»»»
Callen, Tim
McKibbin, Warwick J.
The impact of WTO accession2003»»»
Dorsey, Thomas
Robinson, David
Yang, Yongzheng
Zebregs, Harm
The impact of the euro on exchange rates and international policy cooperation1997»»»
Bergsten, C. Fred
The international monetary system since 1972 : structural change and financial inovation1986»»»
Llewellyn, David T.
The low-income countries' stake global finance?2000»»»
Botchwey, Kwesi
The model of the Deutsche Bundesbank1995»»»
Wahlig, Bertold
The monetary approach to the balance of payments : a collection of research papers by members of the staff of the International Monetary Fund1977»»»
The payment system : design, management, and supervision1994»»»
Summers, Bruce J.
Greenspan, Alan
The position and prospects of the International Monetary Fund in historical context»»»
Tew, Brian
- Descriere: p. 24-25 ; 170-197
- ISBN: -
The resolution and collection corporation and the market for distressed debt in Japan2003»»»
Kang, Kenneth
The role and reserves in th international monetary system1986»»»
Dooley, Michael P.
The role and resources of the Fund1986»»»
Griffith-Jones, Stephany
The role of IMF advice : a postcrisis examination2000»»»
Ito, Takatoshi
The role of external private capital flows1987»»»
Reed, John S.
The role of the International Monetary Fund in international development financing»»»
Sturc, Ernest
The stand-by arrangements of the International Monetary Fund : a commentary on their formal, legal, and financial aspects1970»»»
Gold, Joseph
The supersivory role of the central bank1997»»»
Duquesne, Pierre
The yrn-dollar rate : have interventions mattered?2003»»»
Ramaswamy, Ramana
Samiei, Hossein
The zero-interest-rate floor and its implications for monetary policy in Japan2003»»»
Hunt, Ben
Laxton, Douglas
Time to rethink privatization in transition economies?2001»»»
Nellis, John
To peg or not to peg : a template for assessing the nobler2008»»»
Husain, Aasim M.
Toward definingand measuring the fiscal impact of public entreprises1993»»»
Stella, Peter
Trade and exchange rate policies in growth-oriented adjustment programs1987»»»
Sachs, Jeffrey D.
Trade policy in financial services2000»»»
Tamirisa, Natalia
Sorsa, Piritta
Bannister, Geoffrey
McDonald, Bradley
Wieczorek, Jaroslaw
Transition and the changing role of government2001»»»
Tanzi, Vito
Tsibouris, George
Transition to market : studies in fiscal reform1993»»»
Tanzi, Vito
Treatmenet of output in the banking industry1991»»»
Siddique, Abul
Treatment of deep-discounted and index-linked bonds in the national accounts1991»»»
Newson, Brian
Brodersen, Soren
Treatment of exchange rate differentials in the national accounts1991»»»
Tongeren, Jan van
Treatment of international organizations1991»»»
Raymond, Gerard G.
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