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Between the Byzantium, the Mongols and the Ottomans : the studies of the history of Crimea in the 13th-18th centuries2021»»»
Bocharov, Sergei G.
Bacumenco-Pirnau, Ludmila
Between the Mongols and Byzantium : the incorporation of the Crimean Peninsula into the State of the Golden Horde»»»
Bocharov, Sergei G.
Beyond moral decline : Ottoman officials, Moldavian-Wallachian boyars and patronage in the seventeenth century»»»
Wasiucionek, Michal
Biblioteca Centrala a Asociatiunii : 1861-19502011»»»
Bors, Silviu
Marza, Eva
Bicentenarul Revolutiei conduse de Tudor Vladimirescu»»»
Bijuteriile Reginei Maria2018»»»
Mandache, Diana
Cservenschi, Malvina
Biletul Bancei Nationale1901»»»
Crivetz, Teodor
Billets secrets de la Banque de France[2017]»»»
Camus, Jean-Claude
Villeroy de Galhau, Francois
Biserica - la cheremul dictatorilor2010»»»
Scurtu, Ioan
Biserica Ortodoxa din Transilvania : (secolul al XVI-lea - a doua jumatate a secolului al XVII-lea)»»»
Ghitta, Ovidiu
Biserica Romano-Catolica in Ungaria»»»
Csaky, Moritz
Biserica greco-catolica din Romania in perspectiva istorica1994»»»
Damsa, Teodor V.
Biserica si stat»»»
Bocsan, Nicolae
Lukacs, Olga
Magyari, Andras
Graf, Rudolf
Nagler, Thomas
Biserica si stat»»»
Bocsan, Nicolae
Lukacs, Olga
Graf, Rudolf
Nagler, Thomas
Bismarck : o viata2012»»»
Steinberg, Jonathan
Maior, George Cristian
Ivan, Diana-Madalina
Ralea, Sorin
Spataru, Mihaela
Sterie, Mihaela
Ghica, Iuliana
Manea, Elena
Bismarck and the German Empire1968»»»
Eyck, Erich
Cazacu, Mihai
Blasmusiker und Standartentrager im Romischen Heer2010»»»
Alexandrescu, Cristina-Georgeta
Blestemul lui Edgar2007»»»
Dugarin, Marc
- Descriere: 378 p. ; 18 cm
- ISBN: -
Bloch C. Bibliographie methodique de l'histoire economique et sociale pendant la guerre. Paris Presses Universitaires de France 1925 : [recenzie]»»»
Iordachescu, V. Th.
Bonamy Price : (1807-1888)»»»
Bigg, Robert J.
Bonds without borders : a history of the Eurobond market2015»»»
O'Malley, Chris
Rudloff, Hans-Joerg
Bourgeois equality : how ideas, not capital or institutions, enriched the world2016»»»
McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen
Brinkmann, Carl, England (Handbuch der Staatengeschichte. Ausland. Abteilung I Europa Vierter Abschnitt) Berlin 1921. Vossische Buchhandlung. 865. M. 8.75 : [recenzie]»»»
Britannica book of the year : 1994 : [events of 1993]1994»»»
Schorr, Daniel
Britannica book of the year : 1995 : [events of 1994]1995»»»
Trumbull, Charles P.
Britannica book of the year : 1996 : [events of 1995]1996»»»
Edwards, Glenn M.
British international gold movements and banking policy : 1881-19131935»»»
Beach, W. Edwards
Brukenthal 300 : un om, un muzeu, o istorie2022»»»
Frincu, Raluca Maria
Teodorescu, Raluca Maria
Luca, Sabin Adrian
Tatu, Alexiu
Brunner versus Friedman : diverging aspirations for the monetarism project»»»
Clerc, Pierrick
De Vroey, Michel
Brutniiat vatresen produkt na Balgariia : 1870-1945 = The gross domestic product of Bulgaria : 1870-19452012»»»
Ivanov, Martin
Bruxelles si Haga»»»
Oprescu, Paul
Bucarest au XIX siecle et l'urbanisme moderne»»»
Lascu, Nicolae
Bucharest in the early twentieth century postcards = Bucuresti in carti postale de la inceputul secolului XX2011»»»
Ardeleanu-Paici, Ionut
Balaceanu-Stolnici, Constantin
Bucharest in the twentieth century photos = Bucuresti : fotografii de la inceputul secolului XX[2011]»»»
Balaceanu-Stolnici, Constantin
Morand, Paul
Constantinescu, Sasa
Bucuresti : Amintirile unui oras : Ziduri vechi : Fiinte disparute1995»»»
Hagi-Mosco, Emanoil
Plesia, Stefan
Plesia, Dan
Radulescu, Mihai Sorin
Cernovodeanu, Paul
Bucuresti : materiale de istorie si muzeografie. [Vol.] 121997»»»
Velescu, Oliver
Bucuresti : metropola europeana2005»»»
Nicolaie, Ioana
Bucuresti, materie si istorie : monumentul public si distopiile lui = Bucharest, matter and history : the public monument ad its discontents2011»»»
Benera, Anca
Serban, Alina
Onn, Samuel F.
Bucurestii Vechiului Regat2004»»»
Costescu, George
Bucurestii anilor '20»»»
Velescu, Oliver
Bucurestii de langa Bucuresti2010»»»
Simionescu, Viorel
Stefan, Marian
Bucurestii in anii Primului Razboi Mondial : 1914-19181993»»»
Radulescu-Zoner, Serban
Marinescu, Beatrice
Bucurestii in date, intamplari si ilustratii2010»»»
Olteanu, Radu
Bucurestii subt guvernul vremelnicesc2009»»»
Badescu, Emanuel
Bucurestiul european2010»»»
Fezi, Bogdan Andrei
Bucurestiul fanariot2015-2020»»»
Dinu, Tudor
Bucurestiul fanariot [Vol.] 1 - [Vol.] 3»»»
Dinu, Tudor
Bucurestiul fanariot [Vol.] 1 Biserici, ceremonii, razboaie2015»»»
Dinu, Tudor
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