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Some problems of international banking policy1932»»»
Palyi, Melchior
Sovereign debt : a guide for economists and practitioners2020»»»
Abbas, S. Ali
Pienkowski, Alex
Rogoff, Kenneth Saul
Statistical properties of the asymmetric power ARCH process1999»»»
Changli, He
Terasvirta, Timo
Stochastic dynamic macroeconomics : theory and empirical evidence2006»»»
Gong, Gang
Semmler, Willi
Stock-Based Executive Compensation2002»»»
Conyon, Martin J.
Murphy, Kevin J.
Sudden stops, the real exchange rate and fiscal sustainability : Argentina's lessons2004»»»
Calvo, Guillermo Antonio
Izquierdo, Alejandro
Talvi, Ernesto
Sylloge nummorum Graecorum. Volume 10 : The John Morcom Collection of Western Greek bronze coins1995»»»
Morcom, John
Sylloge nummorum Graecorum. Volume 6 : The Lewis collection in Corpus Christi College Cambridge. Part II : The Greek Imperial Coins1992»»»
Carradice, Ian A.
Systemic risk : the dynamics of modern financial systems2013»»»
Gai, Prasanna
Systemic risk in banking : an update2012»»»
Bandt, Olivier de
Hartmann, Philipp
Peydro, Jose-Luis
Takeover Regulation in Europe and America: The Need for Functional Convergence2002»»»
Raaijmakers, Theo
Technological change, financial innovation, and diffusion in banking2012»»»
Frame, W. Scott
White, Lawrence J.
Ten great economists : from Marx to Keynes1965»»»
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
Testing DHSY as a restrictes conditional model of a trivariate seasonally cointegrated system1999»»»
Ermini, Luigi
Testing conditional predictive ability2011»»»
Giacomini, Raffaella
Testing for unconditional predictive ability2011»»»
Clark, Todd E.
McCracken, Michael W.
The Banca d'Italia : between europeanization and globalization2009»»»
Quaglia, Lucia
The European Central Bank : the bank that rules Europe?2009»»»
Howarth, David
The Great Depression and other contagious events2012»»»
Calomiris, Charles William
The Lisbon Treaty : law, politics, and treaty reform2010»»»
Craig, Paul
The OCA approach to exchange rate regimes : a perspective on recent developments2003»»»
Willett, Thomas D.
The Oxford dictionary for the business world1993»»»
The Oxford handbook of Greek and Roman coinage2016»»»
Metcalf, William E.
The Oxford handbook of banking2019»»»
Berger, Allen
Molyneux, Philip
Wilson, John O. S.
The Oxford handbook of banking2012»»»
Berger, Allen
Molyneux, Philip
Wilson, John O. S.
The Oxford handbook of banking and financial history2016»»»
Cassis, Youssef
Grossman, Richard S.
Schenk, Catherine R.
The Oxford handbook of bayesian econometrics2011»»»
Geweke, John
Koop, Gary
Dijk, Herman Koene van
The Oxford handbook of corporate governance2013»»»
Wright, Mike
Siegel, Donald S.
Keasey, Kevin
Filatotchev, Igor
The Oxford handbook of economic forecasting2011»»»
Clements, Michael P.
Hendry, David Forbes
The Oxford handbook of management in emerging markets2019»»»
Grosse, Robert
Meyer, Klaus E.
The Oxford handbook of personnel assessment and selection2012»»»
Schmitt, Neal
The Oxford handbook of the economics of central banking2019»»»
Mayes, David G.
Siklos, Pierre L.
Sturm, Jan-Egbert
The Oxford handbook of women and the economy2018»»»
Averett, Susan L.
Argys, Laura M.
Hoffman, Saul D.
The Scythians : nomad warriors of the steppe2021»»»
Cunliffe, Barry W.
The US Federal Reserve and the politics of monetary and financial regulatory policies2009»»»
Woolley, John T.
The Value of a Vote in the Market for Corporate Control: Canadian Evidence2002»»»
Robinson, Chris
Rumsey, John
White, Alan
The Westminster Bank through a century1936»»»
Gregory, Theodor Emanuel Gugenheim
Henderson, Annette
The abuse of constitutional identity in the European Union2023»»»
Scholtes, Julian
The accelerating integration of banks and markets and its implications for regulation2012»»»
Boot, Arnoud W. A.
Thakor, Anjan
The age of the euro : a structural break? : europeanization, convergence, and power in central banking2009»»»
Dyson, Kenneth
The anatomy of a multiple crisis : why was Argentina special and what can we learn from it?2004»»»
Perry, Guillermo E.
Serven, Luis
The anatomy of corporate law : a comparative and functional approach2017»»»
Kraakman, Reiner
Armour, John
Davies, Paul
Enriques, Luca
Hansmann, Henry
Hertig, Gerard
Hopt, Klaus J.
Kanda, Hideki
Pargendler, Mariana
Ringe, Wolf-Georg
Rock, Edward
Cools, Sofie
Goto, Gen
The ancient Celts2018»»»
Cunliffe, Barry W.
The bank culture debate : ethics, values, and financialization in Anglo-America2019»»»
Macartney, Huw
The bottom billion : why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it2008»»»
Collier, Paul
The cointegrated VAR model : methodology and applications2006»»»
Juselius, Katarina
The concrete euro : implementing monetary policy in the euro area2011»»»
Mercier, Paul
Papadia, Francesco
The corporate structure of international financial conglomerates : complexity and its implications for safety and soundness2012»»»
Herring, Richard J.
Carmassi, Jacopo
The currency problem of our time1934»»»
Schumacher, H.
The dollarization debate2003»»»
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