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Sectoral imbalances and long-run crises2012»»»
Delli Gatti, Domenico
Gallegatti, Mauro
Greenwald, Bruce C.
Russo, Alberto
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Separating the business cycle from other economic fluctuations»»»
Hall, Robert E.
Bean, Charles R.
Mankiw, Nicholas Gregory
Seven years with the Euro»»»
Almunia, Joaquin
Should the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve be concerned about fiscal policy?»»»
Canzoneri, Matthew B.
Cumby, Robert E.
Diba, Behzad T.
Blinder, Alan S.
Edwards, Sebastian
Socio-economical and political costs of the adjustment process to external disequilibrium in LDCs : the need for a new IMF in the 80's»»»
Villarreal, Rene
Solutions for developed economies»»»
Auerbach, Alan J.
Giovannini, Alberto
Stark, Jurgen
Some observations on the ECB's monetary policy»»»
Neumann, Manfred J. M.
Smets, Frank
Some recent progresses on financial structure and development2012»»»
Yifu Lin, Justin
Xu, Lixin Colin
Something not rotten in Denmark : August 16, 2018»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Spillover effects of unconventional monetary policy on Asia and the Pacific»»»
Punzi, Maria Teresa
Chantapacdepong, Pornpinun
Standardul economic al populatiei»»»
Marginean, Ioan
Precupetu, Iuliana
Preoteasa, Ana Maria
Mihailescu, Adina
Stanciu, Mariana
Starea economico-sociala a Romaniei in anul 20002002»»»
Georgescu, Florin, economist
Statistica macroeconomica2004»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Capanu, Ion
Statistica macroeconomica2001»»»
Bacescu-Carbunaru, Angelica
Titan, Emilia
Ghita, Simona
Staying afloat when the wind shifts: external factors and emerging-market banking crises2001»»»
Eichengreen, Barry
Rose, Andrew Kenan
Stimulus arithmetic (wonkish but important) : New York Times Blog : January 6, 2009»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
Stock market contagion from a spatial perspective»»»
Chow, William W.
Stock markets and financial capitalism»»»
Smith, Andrew
Tennent, Kevin D.
Strategies for conducting monetary policy : a critical appraisal»»»
Thornton, Daniel L.
Strategies for growth: Central and Eastern Europe»»»
Svejnar, Jan
Structural changes and future perspectives of CEE economies»»»
Capello, Roberta
Structural changes in the world economy and their consequences upon international financing of economic development»»»
Adamovic, Ljubisa
Structural reforms and fiscal sustainability»»»
Furceri, Davide
Tovar Jalles, Joao
Structural reforms and growth : the elusive quest for the silver bullet»»»
Terzi, Alessio
Marrazzo, Pasquale Marco
Studiu privind premisele economice si monetare si implicatiile trecerii, in perspectiva, la convertibilitatea leului1978»»»
Urdea, Decebal
Sesan, Alexandru
Pencu, Alexandru
Antonescu, Nicolita
Staniloiu, Olga
Subdezvoltarea economica contemporana : principalele decalaje economice ale Romaniei fata de tarile dezvoltate»»»
Irimia, Mihai
Dobre, Traian
Surveys of professionals»»»
Clements, Michael P.
Rich, Robert W.
Tracy, Joseph S.
Woitek, Ulrich
Wuthrich, Gabriela
Systemic risk and macrorpudential regulation2012»»»
Allen, Franklin
Carletti, Elena
Tabloul economico-social al Romaniei in anul 2019 : locul ocupat de Romania, in prezent si in perspectiva, in Uniunea Europeana»»»
Andrei, Tudorel
Dumitrescu, Ilie
Taxation policy in EMU»»»
Alworth, Julian
Arachi, Giampaolo
Van Ewijk, Casper
Taxing multinationals in a world with international mergers and aquisitions : should the home country exempt foreign income?2012»»»
Wilson, John Douglas
The 1920s»»»
Olney, Martha L.
The Bank of Japan's high-wire act : an end to deflation is in sight, but Japan's monetary-policy makers still fears the dangers of a collapse of the yen and of the bond markets, says Andrew Smithers»»»
Smithers, Andrew
The Canadian experience in reducing budget deficits and debt»»»
Martin, Paul
The Celtic Tiger and the Chinese Dragon: Modelling the Irish and Chinese Economic Miracles2010»»»
Wang, Liming
Chang, Liu
Kane, Francis
The Central Asian countries' economies in the twenty-first century»»»
Pomfret, Richard
The Covid-19 monetary and fiscal response in the euro-area and the EU»»»
Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette
The Elephant and the Tiger: India and Ireland in a Globalised World2010»»»
Raghavan, P. S.
The Euro and economic reforms : the case of Spain»»»
Royo, Sebastian
The European Central Bank : a new power»»»
Hessel, Jeroen
The Eurozone crisis and the future of Europe : the political economy of further integration and governance2014»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Basevi, Giorgio
D'Adda, Carlo
Kumar, Rajeesh
The FED and financial markets : suggestions to improve un unhealthy relationship»»»
Levy, Mickey D.
The Portuguese economy in the Irish mirror, 1960-20042010»»»
Lains, Pedro
The Trump tax cut : even worse than you've heard : January 1, 2019»»»
Krugman, Paul R.
The benefits of flexible funding: implications for pension reform in an uncertain world2001»»»
Orszag, J. Michael
Orszag, Peter R.
The case of France»»»
Nivoix, Sophie
Rey, Serge
The case of Germany»»»
Rovekamp, Frank
The case of Italy»»»
Cozza, Claudio
Nascia, Leopoldo
The central bank's "no" to Annan : Robert Pringle reports on why the Central Bank of Cyprus came out against the UN plan for monetary union in Cyprus»»»
Pringle, Robert
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