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Si conservator, si reformator, as spune! : pe scurt : un om de centru-dreapta»»»
Neamtu, Mihail
Sigiliile Mitropoliei Tarii Moldovei si ale Episcopiilor de Radauti si de Husi : (1752-1812)»»»
Ciocanu, Sergius
Candu, Teodor
Sigiliul schitului Frasinei din comuna Muereasca, Jud. Valcea : (1864)»»»
Chirosca, Adelaida
Sinodalitatea in Biserica Ortodoxa Romana din Transilvania si Ungaria : (secolul al XIX-lea)»»»
Leb, Ioan-Vasile
Gardan, Gabriel-Viorel
Eppel, Marius
Sistemul asigurarilor din Romania2002»»»
Bistriceanu, Gheorghe D.
Sistemul fiscal al Romaniei2008»»»
Bistriceanu, Gheorghe D.
Sleveking Heinrich, Grundzuge der neueren Wirtscaftsgeschichte vom 17 Iahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. (Grundriss der Geschichtswissenschaft zur Einfuhrung in das Studium der deustchen Geschichte des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. Reihe II. Abt. 2) 3 verb. Aufl-Leipzig u. Berlin 1921. B. G. Teubner 1105. M. 14 : [recenzie]»»»
Slovensko : zaujimavosti, unikaty, rarity = Slovakia : interesting places, unique objects, rarities = Slowakei : Sehenswurdigkeiten, Unikate, Raritaten = La Slovaquie : faits interessants, uniques, rares2010»»»
Vojcek, Alexander
Machala, Drahoslav
- Descriere: 128 p.; 30 cm.
- ISBN: 9788007018150
Societatea contemporana si expresia religiozitatii in Romania rurala»»»
Tanase, Laurentiu
Societatea digitala : stapani, cetateni sau sclavi?2022»»»
Rughinis, Razvan
Vica, Constantin
Spatii carcerale in Romania comunista : Penitenciarul Sighet : (1950-1955)2021»»»
Dobes, Andrea
Tarau, Virgiliu
Spatii carcerale in Romania comunista : Penitenciarul Sighet : (1950-1955) Volumul 12021»»»
Dobes, Andrea
Tarau, Virgiliu
Spatii carcerale in Romania comunista : Penitenciarul Sighet : (1950-1955) Volumul 1 - Volumul 2»»»
Dobes, Andrea
Tarau, Virgiliu
Spatii carcerale in Romania comunista : Penitenciarul Sighet : (1950-1955) Volumul 2 Detentie si post detentie : repere biografice2021»»»
Dobes, Andrea
Tarau, Virgiliu
Standarde Internationale de Raportare Financiara : ghid practic = International Financial Reporting Standards : a practical guide2005»»»
Greuning, Hennie van
Serban, Cristina
Mihai, Mihaela
Solomon, Marius
Eden, Ali
Koen, Marius
State and church during the Great War : protecting the treasure of the monasteries in Moldavia : (1916-1917)»»»
Moldovan, Ionel
Structural changes in the world economy and their consequences upon international financing of economic development»»»
Adamovic, Ljubisa
Studii de guvernanta si guvernare : abordari actuale2021»»»
Pop, Flore
Suing the BIS : The Bank for International Settlements has become embroiled in court cases over its plans to buy back its shares from the private sector : William Hall from the Financial Times says that the BIS may be forced to admit its mistake»»»
Hall, William
Tate's modern cambist : a manual of foreign exchanges and bullion with the systems of the world and foreign weights and measures with chapters on exchange and bullion operations1912»»»
Easton, H. T.
- Descriere: 375 p. ; 22 cm
Effingham Wilson
- ISBN: -
Tate's modern cambist : centenary edition : a manual of the world's monetary systems, the foreign exchanges, the stamp duties on bills of exchange in foreign countries1929»»»
Spalding, William Frederick
Tate's money manual : being the first annual edition of additions, alterations and amendments to the centenary edition of Tate's modern cambist[1931]»»»
Spalding, William Frederick
Tate's money manual : being the second annual edition of additions, alterations, and amendments to the centenary edition of Tate's modern cambist1933»»»
Spalding, William Frederick
Tehnici de analiza financiara : : ghid pentru crearea valorii = Techniques of financial analysis : a guide to value creation2006»»»
Helfert, Erich Anton
Bisa, Cristian
Baba, Dorel
Mitrica, Eugen
Tematica tezelor de doctorat in teologie la disciplina Istoria Bisericeasca Universala in ultimii 30 de ani»»»
Leb, Ioan-Vasile
Teologie, cultura si dialog inter-religios in misiunea bisericii2014»»»
Nifon Mihaita, Arhiepiscop de Targoviste
Tetraevangheliarul de la Hurezi = The Four Gospels of Hurezi Monastery = Le Tetraevangeliaire de Hurezi2013»»»
Manea, Nadia
Tezaurul de la Moscova intre legenda si adevar»»»
Bistreanu, Ion
The BIS and the European monetary experiment»»»
James, Harold
The IPE of Caribbean development»»»
Bishop, Matthew Louis
Thompson, Merisa S.
The Romanian Orthodox Church under German military occupation : 1916-1918 : a reassessment of the Metropolitan Conon's attitude»»»
Iancu, Dorin-Demostene
The Washington power brokers»»»
Hunt, Albert R.
The continuous improvement of fodder basis»»»
Bistriceanu, C.
- Descriere: An 16, nr. 12, Dec 1963, p. 169
- ISBN: -
The current economic crisis and its repercussions on the periphery»»»
Prebish, Raul
The nature and management of payment system risks : an international perspective1993»»»
Borio, Claudio E.V.
Van den Bergh, Paul
The politics of the Eurosystem : Constitutional discussion in Europe, have steered clear of the ECB, but may yet impact on Europe's only federal institution, argues Graham Bishop»»»
Bishop, Graham
The politics of trade in an open economy : domestic competition over policy»»»
Brawley, Mark
The pull peddlers»»»
Rand, Ayn
The road to euro adoption : a comparison of Slovakia and Slovenia2011»»»
Banerjee, Biswajit
Kozamernik, Damjan
Odor, L'udovit
The role of the BIS in international monetary cooperation and its tasks relating to the ECU1994»»»
Giovanoli, Mario
The spread of the financial crisis to Central and Eastern Europe : evidence from BIS data2010»»»
Mihaljek, Dubravko
The transmission of monetary policy in emerging market economies1998»»»
Theorie der Devisenzwangswirtschaft : auf Grund der deutschen und auslandischen Erfahrungen in der Zeit von 1914 bis 19401940»»»
Luckas, Hans
Tower of contrarian thinking : how the BIS helped reframe understandings of financial stability»»»
Baker, Andrew
Tractatu elementariu de economie politica : urmatu d'unu vocabularu analiticu1855»»»
Blanqui, Adolphe
Sergiescu, Toma
Transilvania in secolul al XIV-lea si in prima jumatate a secolului al XV-lea : (cca 1300-1456)»»»
Pop, Ioan-Aurel
Traversarea abisului2009»»»
Moore, Geoffrey A.
Trecutul romanilor : trepte spre modernitate»»»
Pop, Ioan-Aurel
Tudor Vladimirescu si chestiunea rezistentei armate prin sistemul de manastiri fortificate la 1821»»»
Nacu, Florin
Umanistul Johannes Henckel (1480/1481-1539) : secvente istoriografice»»»
Marza, Andreea
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