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Challenges from the domestic financial markets' characteristics - case study of Romania2009»»»
Lovin, Horatiu
Challenges fromsmall and fragmented domestic financial markets2009»»»
Zakulis, Elmars
Challenges in analysis household sector in the Republic of Macedonia2008»»»
Stojanovska, Milica Arnaudova
Challenges in central banking : the current institutional environment and forces affecting monetary policy2010»»»
Siklos, Pierre L.
Bohl, Martin T.
Wohar, Mark E.
Challenges in implementing a macroprudential mandate in Austria2011»»»
Posch, Michaela
Challenges of the global financial crisis to european emerging economies2009»»»
Orhan, Elsida
Challenges to accession : Estonia : Marten Ross, a deputy governor at the Bank of Estonia, considers alternative scenarios for joining the euro : after ten years experience of a currency board, Estonia is more than prepared to join»»»
Ross, Marten
Challenges to central banking from globalized financial systems : papers presented at the ninth conference on central banking, Washington D.C., September 16-17, 20022003»»»
Ugolini, Piero C.
Schaechter, Andrea
Stone, Mark R.
Aninat, Eduardo
Ingves, Stefan
Challenging the Washington Consensus : blaming the other side is not the way for the major economic players to tackle global imbalances, says Richard Portes»»»
Portes, Richard
Change is the only constant : risk management in review2000»»»
Koehler, Benedikt
Changes expected in the structure of the banking sector (assets and liabilities sides)2009»»»
Dilparic, Ivana
Changes in the banking sector of Ukraine2009»»»
Danilenko, Andriy
Changing legal basis of central banks : Rene Smits outlines the special legal basis of the European System of Central Banks and of its mandate in the changing constitutional positions of central banks»»»
Smits, Rene
China will hold down the Rmb»»»
Hanke, Steve H.
China's new digital currency : implications for Renminbi internationalization and the US dollar»»»
Knoerich, Jan
China's reform of its banking system : Li Ruogu highlights four key areas where China has looked to strengthen its burgeoning banking sector»»»
Ruogu, Li
Choosing multiprudential policies: models, instruments and prelimiary empirical findings2011»»»
Crowley, Joseph
Hesse, Heiko
Chronicles : on our troubled times2016»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Ackerman, Seth
Cibernetica economiilor monetare si deschise2005»»»
Scarlat, Emil
City livery company for bankers and central bankers : after centuries of hanging on to others' coat-tails, bankers are set to gain their own liveried guild in London»»»
- Descriere: volume 14, number 3, February 2004, p. 98-99
- ISBN: -
Banci centrale
City state : how the markets came to rule our world : William Clarke reviews a new book by economic historians David Kynaston and Richard Roberts, tracing the development of the City of London and its place in the society»»»
Clarke, William
Kynaston, David
Roberts, Richard
Clearing and settling financial transaction circa 20002010»»»
Green, Edward J.
Climate change as a systemic risk in finance : are macroprudential authorities up to the task?»»»
Grunewald, Seraina
Coercing credibility : neoliberal policies and monetary institutions in developing and transitional economies1998»»»
Grabel, Ilene
Collateral an risk mitigation frameworks of central bank policy operation - a comparison accross central banks2009»»»
Tabakis, Evangelos
Weller, Benedict
Collateral and monetary policy»»»
Singh, Manmohan
Collateral frameworks : the open secret of central banks2017»»»
Nyborg, Kjell G.
Combating intervention risk2010»»»
Fischer, Stephen John
Combining Canadian interest rate forecasts2010»»»
Jamieson Bolder, David
Romanyuk, Yulia
Commentary : Currency convertibility in Eastern Europe»»»
Cooper, Richard Newell
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Harberger, Arnold C.
Commentary : Monetary policy and the control of inflation»»»
Feldstein, Martin
Kudlow, Lawrence A.
Meltzer, Allan H.
Rich, Georg
Thygesen, Niels
Commentary : central banks and the financial system»»»
Crockett, Andrew D.
Commentary : central banks and the financial system»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Commentary : central banks and the financial system»»»
Lagayette, Philippe
Comments on the impact of the financial crisis on the romanian banking system's financial position as of 30 June 20092009»»»
Balauta, Florin
Commercial bank liability under the law of the United States for deposits in foreign branches that are subject to expropriation or exchange restrictions imposed by sovereign governments1994»»»
Tigert, Ricki Rhodarmer
Computer support for reserve managers : deciding on the right level of computer support for reserve managers in a world of fast-changing technology often make it preferable to outsource some IT provision, says John Nugee, former head of reserve management at the Bank of England, and now at State Street Bank»»»
Nugee, John
Comunicarea bancilor centrale prin intermediul retelelor sociale online : studiu de caz : Banca Nationala a Romaniei2023»»»
Voloc, Ana-Maria-Violeta
Concepts, definitions and composition»»»
Arslanalp, Serkan
Bergthaler, Wolfgang
Stokoe, Philip
Tieman, Alexander F.
Concerns and considerations for the practical implementation of the new Basel Accord2004»»»
Ferguson, Roger W.
Concluding remarks»»»
Masera, Francesco
Conclusion : avancees et questions en suspens»»»
Margairaz, Michel
Consfatuirea de la Moscova a reprezentantilor bancilor centrale ale tarilor socialiste»»»
Nastase, M.
Considerations on Allan Meltzer's History of the Federal Reserve2004»»»
Prasch, Robert E.
Contemporary issues in macroeconomics : lessons from the crisis and beyond2016»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Guzman, Martin
Contrasting approaches to central bank independence : Australia and New Zealand»»»
King, Michael
Controlling credit risk in foreign reserves : The Banco Central do Brasil uses a new credit risk measurement model in its reserve management operations : Sandro Canesso de Andrade, who developed the model, explains how it works»»»
Canesso de Andrade, Sandro
Cooperarea bancilor de emisiune si banca reglementelor internationale1937»»»
Grigorcea, Vasile
Cooperation among central banks of developing countries»»»
Dimitrijevic, Dimitrije
Cooperation among central banks of the developing countries with a view to promoting financing of economic development»»»
Ghenima, Mohamed
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