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Politici si institutii financiar-bancare europene2008»»»
Manolescu, Gheorghe
Politici si strategii nationale si comunitare in domeniul financiar-bancar2005»»»
Olteanu, Alexandru
Radoi, Madalina Antoaneta
Politicile economice in perioada crizei: trasaturi si caracteristici ale politicilor la nivel international, regional, national2009»»»
Pelinescu, Elena
Radulescu, Magdalena
Ionescu, Carmen Raluca
Anton, Lucian Vasile
Tasca, Radu
Portugal and EMU : 1996-2001, the crucial years2004»»»
Campos e Cunha, Luis
Silva, Patricia
Post-accession Romania: issues and prospects : proceedings of the Conference "The Scientific Romanian Diaspora", 17th-18th of September, 2008, Bucharest - NBR2009»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Pour une politique monetaire commune dans la C.E.E.1971»»»
Dessart, Michel
Principles of macroeconomics : activist vs. austerity policies2019»»»
Sherman, Howard J.
Meeropol, Michael A.
Sherman, Paul D.
Problems of the US economy2000»»»
Tobin, James
Progress through crisis? : proceedings of the conference for the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the European Monetary Institute2014»»»
Maes, Ivo
Moss, Frank
Proposals for reforming the eurozone : a critique»»»
Vaubel, Roland
Prospects for monetary unions after the euro2005»»»
De Grauwe, Paul
Melitz, Jacques
Randall Hinshaw Memorial Lecture : choosing exchange rate regimes : lessons from Europe and Asia»»»
Corden, Warner Max
Real and nominal convergence : policy challenges in a monetary union2008»»»
Bini Smaghi, Lorenzo
Real and nominal convergence: challenges for monetary and exchange rate policy - the case of Slovakia2003»»»
Nemec, Marian
Real nominal convergence2003»»»
Zumer, Tina
Cufer, Uros
Real sources of European currency policy : sectorial interests and European Monetary Integration2003»»»
Frieden, Jeffry A.
Reconsidering the euro-area entry criteria2010»»»
Reevaluating Swedish membership in the European Monetary Union : evidence from an estimated model2009»»»
Soderstrom, Ulf
Referat : L'avenir de la politique monetaire de la CEE»»»
Barre, Raymond
Refinance instruments: lessons from their use in some industrial countries1997»»»
Laurens, Bernard J.
Reform of the international monetary system»»»
Triffin, Robert
Reforming EMU's fiscal policy rules : some suggesions for enhancing fiscal sustainability and macroeconomic stability in an enlarged European Union2003»»»
Buiter, Willem Hendrik
Grafe, Clemens
Regimurile cursului de schimb in contemporaneitate : perspective neoliberale2014»»»
Ihnatov, Iulian-Romeo
Regional interest rates within a monetary union : lesson from the United States2008»»»
Landon-Lane, John
Rockoff, Hugh
Regional monetary policy2006»»»
Rodriguez-Fuentes, Carlos J.
Relatia de convergenta reala - convergenta nominala in procesul de integrare in Uniunea Economica si Monetara»»»
Niculescu, Aura
- Descriere: p. 339-362
- ISBN: -
Relatii financiare si valutare internationale2003»»»
Boaja, Minica
Risk and optimal interest margins : the case of commercial banks in Central Europe2001»»»
Goyeau, Daniel
Sauviat, Alain
Tarazi, Amine
Rolul monedei euro pe plan international si efectele adoptarii acesteia2010»»»
Sandu, Carmen
Romania 2022 : starea economica in contextul crizelor2022»»»
Anghelache, Constantin
Romania si aderarea la Zona Euro»»»
Daianu, Daniel
Kallai, Ella
Mihailovici, Gabriela
Socol, Aura
Romania si adoptarea euro : studii, sinteze, articole, comunicari2018»»»
Pop, Napoleon
Ioan-Franc, Valeriu
Romania si exigentele integrarii europene2007»»»
Avram, Cezar
Pirvu, Gheorghe
Radu, Roxana
Gruescu, Ramona
Romania si exigentele integrarii europene Vol. 12007»»»
Avram, Cezar
Pirvu, Gheorghe
Radu, Roxana
Gruescu, Ramona
Romania si exigentele integrarii europene Vol. 1 - Vol. 2»»»
Avram, Cezar
Pirvu, Gheorghe
Radu, Roxana
Gruescu, Ramona
Romania si exigentele integrarii europene Vol. 22007»»»
Avram, Cezar
Pirvu, Gheorghe
Radu, Roxana
Gruescu, Ramona
Roundtable on lessons of European monetary inegration for the international monetary system1997»»»
Fischer, Stanley
Szasz, Andre
Truman, Edwin M.
Kato, Takatoshi
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Running an enlarged eurozone : reforming the ECB Governing Council : efficiency, representation and national economic interest»»»
Howarth, David
Saving Europe : anatomy of a dream2015»»»
Bastasin, Carlo
Saving Europe : how national politics nearly destroyed the euro2012»»»
Bastasin, Carlo
Selected Papers : "Scientific Romanian Diaspora" Conference, September 2010, Bucharest2010»»»
Lazea, Valentin
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Sisteme financiare»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Dima, Mihaela Alina
Novac, Laura Elly
Sisteme financiare internationale2003»»»
Brezeanu, Petre
Sistemul bancar in Romania = The Romanian banking system : evolutii recente si perspective = recent developments and perspectives : Reforma sistemului financiar in Romania si integrarea europeana = Reform and financial system in Romania and European integration1996»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Sistemul european de banci centrale2000»»»
Savoiu, Vasile
Sistemul monetar national din 1867 si Uniunea Monetara Latina1968»»»
Kiritescu, Costin C.
Slovakia and Romania at the round table of the euro system2010»»»
Apostoaie, Constantin-Marius
Roman, Angela
Some considerations about the impact of monetary policy on economic convergence»»»
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Some stylised facts on the euro area business cycle2003»»»
Agresti, A. M.
Mojon, Benoit
Speech of the Governor of the OeNB: 'The euro area - an achor of stability in Europe and the world'2003»»»
Liebscher, Klaus
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