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Can the ACA improve population health?2012»»»
Goldman, Dana Paul
Lakdawalla, Darius
Canalul Morilor din judetul Arad, lucrare hidrotehnica de mare amploare din sec. al XIX-lea2009»»»
Godea, Ioan
Cantarea cantarilor1977»»»
Dumitrescu-Busulenga, Zoe
Alexandru, Ioan
Capital and ideology2020»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Goldhammer, Arthur
Capital and time2008»»»
Streissler, Erich W.
Capital caccount liberalization : bringing policy in line with reality1997»»»
Guitian, Manuel
Capital controls during financial crises : the cases of Malaysia and Thailand2001»»»
Edison, Hali J.
Reinhart, Carmen M.
Capital controls, exchange rates and monetary policy in the worl economy1997»»»
Edwards, Sebastian
Capital in the twenty-first century2014»»»
Piketty, Thomas
Goldhammer, Arthur
Capital inflows to Latin America with reference to Asian experience1997»»»
Calvo, Guillermo Antonio
Leiderman, Leonardo
Reinhart, Carmen M.
Capital market in Romania in the context of consolidation of stock exchanges in the European Union2010»»»
Igatescu, Valentina Diana
Capital market liberalization and development2008»»»
Ocampo, Jose Antonio
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Capital markets law and compliance : the implications of MiFID2008»»»
Nelson, Paul
Capital markets, derivatives, and the law : evolution after crisis2014»»»
Rechtschaffen, Alan N.
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Capital mobility and economic policy1997»»»
Dooley, Michael P.
Capital movements, real asset speculation, and macroeconomic adjustment in Korea1997»»»
Park, Yung Chul
Park, Won-Am
Capital requirements and the behavior of commercial banks2004»»»
Rochet, Jean-Charles
Capital, growth, and production disequilibria: on the employment consequences of new technologies2008»»»
Hagemann, Harald
Capital, payments and money laundering in the EU2006»»»
Handoll, John
Capital, the money market, and gold[1929]»»»
Edie, Lionel D.
Capitala rezistentei pana la capat2008»»»
Agrigoroaiei, Ion
Capitalism and desire : the psychic cost of free markets2023»»»
McGowan, Todd
Capitalism contested : the New Deal and its legacies2020»»»
Huret, Romain
Lichtenstein, Nelson
Vinel, Jean-Christian
Capitalism without capital : the rise of the intangible economy2018»»»
Haskel, Jonathan
Westlake, Stian
Capitalul uman in noile democratii2015»»»
Popescu, Cristian C.
Pohoata, Ion
Carbon taxes to move toward fiscal sustainability2012»»»
Nordhaus, William D.
Carcere : fratele meu 32003»»»
Stoenescu, George Virgil
Vianu, Lidia
Carol I si Fundatiunea Universitara : 1914-20142014»»»
Costache, Geta
Carol I, amintirea unei mari domnii2006»»»
Podgoreanu, Anca
Costache, Geta
Dumitrescu, Daniela
Suba, Serban
Regneala, Laura
Stoica, Daniela
Goata, Carmen
Stoicescu, Lili
Ganescu, Anca Laura
Cash and dash : how ATMs and computers changed banking2018»»»
Batiz-Lazo, Bernardo
Birch, David G. W.
Cash-Based Executive Compensation in Spain and the UK2002»»»
Crespi, Rafel
Gispert, Carles
Renneboog, Luc
Catalogue of the Byzantine coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection1966-1973»»»
Bellinger, Alfred R.
Grierson, Philip
Catalogue of the Byzantine coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Bellinger, Alfred R.
Grierson, Philip
Catalogue of the Byzantine coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Volume 1 Anastasius I to Maurice : 491-6021966»»»
Bellinger, Alfred R.
Grierson, Philip
Thacher, John S.
Catalogue of the Byzantine coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Volume 3, part 1 Leo III to Nicephorus III : 717-1081. Part 1 : Leo III to Michael III : (717-867)1973»»»
Bellinger, Alfred R.
Grierson, Philip
Catalogue of the Byzantine coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection Volume 3, part 2 Leo III to Nicephorus III : 717-1081. Part 2 : Basil I to Nicephorus III : (867-1081)1973»»»
Bellinger, Alfred R.
Grierson, Philip
Catastife de negustori din Tara Romaneasca : (secolele XVIII-XIX)2016»»»
Lazar, Gheorghe
Cateva adevaruri despre Banca Nationala spuse in Adunarea generala dela 22 martie 19361936»»»
Gerota, Dimitrie
Cateva date despre sistemul universitar belgian»»»
Vlad, Laurentiu
Caveat emptor : coping with sovereign risk under the international gold standard : 1871-19132007»»»
Flandreau, Marc
Ce a fost, ce este, ce poate fi Iasul : conferinta tinuta in Aula Universitatii din Iasi, la 6 aprilie 19351935»»»
Iorga, Nicolae
Ce este autoritatea? : introducere in logica autoritatii2006»»»
Bochenski, Joseph Maria
Kleininger, Thomas
Ceausescu si comunismul in imaginarul tinerilor : mic studiu despre reprezentarile studentilor Facultatii de Jurnalism, Universitatea din Bucuresti, privind evenimentele din 1989»»»
Momoc, Antonio
Cel mai bogat om din Babilon : secretele universale ale succesului : cea mai importanta carte despre bani din toate timpurile2022»»»
Clason, George S.
Trandafir, Adriana
Central bank autonomy and exchange rate regimes : their effects on monetary accomodation and activism1998»»»
Cukierman, Alex
Rodriguez, Pedro
Webb, Steven B.
Central bank cooperation at the Bank for International Settlements, 1930-19732005»»»
Toniolo, Gianni
Clement, Piet
Central bank financial crisis management from a risk management perspective2009»»»
Bindseil, Ulrich
Central bank goals, institutional change and monetary policy : evidence from the United States and the United Kingdom2003»»»
Muscatelli, V. Anton
Trecroci, Carmine
Central bank independence and the legacy of the German past2019»»»
Mee, Simon
Central bank reserves1932»»»
Kisch, C. H.
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