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Advances in luxury brand management2017»»»
Kapferer, Jean-Noel
Kernstock, Joachim
Brexendorf, Tim Oliver
Powell, Shaun M.
Introduction : luxury brand management insights and opportunities»»»
Kernstock, Joachim
Brexendorf, Tim Oliver
Powell, Shaun M.
Is luxury compatible with sustainability? : luxury consumers' viewpoint»»»
Kapferer, Jean-Noel
Michaut-Denizeau, Anne
Luxury brand marketing : the experience is everything!»»»
Atwal, Glyn
Williams Alistair
Luxury consumption in the trade-off between genuine and counterfeit goods : what are the consumers' underlying motives and value-based drivers?»»»
Wiedmann, Klaus-Peter
Hennings, Nadine
Klarmann, Christiane
Managing luxury brands»»»
Kapferer, Jean-Noel
Managing the growth tradeoff : challenges and opportunities in luxury branding»»»
Keller, Kevin Lane
Measuring perceptions of brand luxury»»»
Vigneron, Franck
Johnson, Lester W.
Probing brand luxury : a multiple lens approach»»»
Miller, Karen W.
Mills, Michael K.
The end of luxury as we knew it?»»»
Kapferer, Jean-Noel
The luxury brand strategy challenge»»»
Okonkwo-Pezard, Uche
The specificity of luxury management : turning marketing upside down»»»
Kapferer, Jean-Noel
Bastien, Vincent
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