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Monetary policy in a changing economic environment»»»
Yamaguchi, Yutaka
Monetary theory and policy2017»»»
Walsh, Carl Eugene
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis?2014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 12014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 1 - Volume 3»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 22014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Monetary, banking and financial issues in Central and Eastern EU member countries : how can Central and Eastern EU members overcome the current economic crisis? Volume 3 : students' essays2014»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
Money : what it is, how it's created, who gets it and why it matters2018»»»
Focardi, Sergio M.
Money and capital markets : financial institutions and instruments in a global marketplace2008»»»
Rose, Peter S.
Marquis, Milton H.
Network theory and financial risk2022»»»
Soramaki, Kimmo
Cook, Samantha
New challenges for financial market infrastructure risk management systems»»»
Panov, Dmitry
Noua paradigma a pietelor financiare : criza creditelor din 208 si implicatiile ei2008»»»
Soros, George
Oameni versus piete : economia pe intelesul tuturor2013»»»
Hirsch, Paddy
Ryssdal, Kai
Archer, Dan
Siulea, Ciprian
Omul care a rezolvat piata : povestea captivanta a lui Jim Simons, un matematician de clasa mondiala si fost spargator de coduri care a reusit sa fie mai tare decat piata2021»»»
Zuckerman, Gregory
Nistor, Smaranda
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Opening remarks»»»
Greenspan, Alan
Opening remarks»»»
Bernanke, Ben Shalom
Oracles, heroes or villains : economic policymakers, national politicians and the power to shape markets2019»»»
Shambaugh, George E.
Overview panel»»»
Frenkel, Jacob A.
Panel data econometrics : empirical applications2019»»»
Tsionas, Mike G.
Panel data econometrics : theory2019»»»
Tsionas, Mike G.
Paradoxes of financial market institutions : traditions and ecosystems»»»
Panova, Galina
Performance Measurement and Evaluation2008»»»
Piete financiare si decontari internationale2010»»»
Chirica, Lefter
Piete financiare si operatiuni bursiere1994»»»
Corduneanu, Carmen
Pietrele facute paine : un dictionar despre rolul banilor in dezvoltarea lumii libere2021»»»
Chiritescu, Dorel Dumitru
Policies to curb stock market volatility»»»
Edwards, Franklin R.
Summers, Lawrence Henry
Hale, David D.
Policies to stabilize financial markets»»»
Rochet, Jean-Charles
Possibilites and importance of founding new financial institutions in developing countries»»»
Jovic, Srboljub
Problema cooperatiei la al XIV-lea Congres international de agricultura tinut la Bucuresti, in iunie 1929»»»
Jinga, Victor
Project financing and financial markets»»»
Graham, Andrew
Public policy and financial economics : essays in honor of professor George G Kaufman for his lifelong contributions to the profession2018»»»
Evanoff, Douglas D.
Malliaris, Anastasios George
Kaufman, George G.
Quality management improvement in certified test and trial laboratories using IT systems»»»
Mateescu, Mihaela Adina
Mihai, Raluca
Rating financiar2003»»»
Lazarescu, Sorin
Recent literature on the impact of taxation and inflation in interest rates»»»
Ben-Zion, Uri
Recognised investment exchanges (RIEs) and recognised clearing houses (RCHs)»»»
Penn, Bob
Recycling of surplus oil funds and needed assistance to developing countries»»»
Ojo, Joshua Ade T.
Regtech and new derivatives developments»»»
Smoot Burell, Jamila D.
Fearon, Charmaine
Regulation of the European markets and exchanges»»»
Blair, Michael C.
Phipps, Nigel
Restructuring banks with equalisation claims : the way Germany restructured its banking system following the Second World War could provide a possible alternative to government financed asset management corporations, argues Martin Pontzen»»»
Pontzen, Martin
Retirement savings in an ageing society : a case for innovative government debt management2010»»»
Bohn, Henning
Rewriting the rules of the European economy : an agenda for growth and shared prosperity2020»»»
Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Dougherty, Carter
Setter, Ernst
Risk and volatility : theory, methods and econometric modelling2021»»»
Matei, Marius
Role of national currencies in transforming international monetary system»»»
Shapovalov, Vladimir
Scoala vietii : aventuri din calatorii si din pietele financiare2015»»»
Rogers, Jim
Popa, Andrii Vlad
Sfarsitul alchimiei : banii, bancile si viitorul economiei mondiale2017»»»
King, Mervyn A.
Isarescu, Mugur Constantin
Dima, Viorela-Valentina
Enache, Antonia Cristiana
Hurduzeu, Raluca-Elena
Serban, Raluca Nicoleta
Shareholder primacy and corporate financialization»»»
Erturk, Ismail
Should monetary policy be different in a greyer world?2010»»»
Miles, David
Should the UK join? : benefits of IN and risks of OUT : while potential benefits of entry are widely discussed, the risks of rejecting the euro membership are less well known : here, city economist, Graham Bishop considers the threat to the City of London»»»
Bishop, Graham
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