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Supporting globalization through knowledge management systems2009»»»
Cucu, Ion
Cucu, Ciprian
Supravegherea si consultanta Fondului Monetar International cu privire la politicile de schimb ale tarilor membre2009»»»
Voinea, Gheorghe M.
Sustinerea ameliorarii continue la nivel sistemic2009»»»
Nestian, Andrei Stefan
Synergy and new businesses2009»»»
Marinescu, Paul
Toma, Sorin
Ianole, Rodica
Taraf des Haidouks: "gypsy music" on the global market2009»»»
Chiper, Sorina
Tehnicile de business intelligence - instrument puternic pentru o previziune economica de calitate ca etapa a dezvoltarii durabile2009»»»
Ionita, Florin
Burlacu, Sorin
Tendinta gandirii economice : eseuri despre economisti si istoria economiei2016»»»
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Zamosteanu, Dana
Tendintele exploatarii durabile a padurilor in judetul Iasi2009»»»
Costica, Mihai
Talmaciu, Mihai
Teoria asigurarii in auditul financiar si reducerea riscului informational2009»»»
Berheci, Maria
Teoria eficientei dinamice2011»»»
Huerta de Soto, Jesus
Mursa, Gabriel
Teoria structurii de productie2016»»»
Patruti, Alexandru
Munteanu-Gurgu, Constantin
The IPOs as a corporate financing choice in Romania2009»»»
The analysis of the financial-economic performances at the company level2009»»»
Cristache, Silvia Elena
Iacob, Andreea Iluzia
Gogonea, Manuela Rodica
The anlysis of companies competitiveness within world-wide market by considering the managerial strategies point of view2010»»»
Ciobotariu, Irina Stefana
Mihalciuc, Camelia Catalina
The development of an entrepreneurial culture based upon innovation2010»»»
Sasu, Constantin
The development of bank lending activities and macroeconomic implications in selective countries from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe2010»»»
Roman, Angela
Anton, Sorin Gabriel
The effects of the globaliztion on the competitiveness of the company2010»»»
Dragomir, Laurentiu Constantin
Tanasie, Anca
Fratostiteanu, Cosmin
The firms and institutions under the impact of new tendencies of the global economy - the strategic management2009»»»
Nicolau, Claudia Mihaela
The higher education contribution to the attenuation of the economic and financial crisis effects within the context of globalization2009»»»
Scholtz, Bela
The human capital and knowledge economy: a case study of Japan2009»»»
Punga, Cristina
The impact of financial globalization over rhe transmission mechanisms for the monetary policy2009»»»
Boariu, Angela
The impact of fiscal policy to the Kosovo economical development2009»»»
Asllani, Gani
The impact of globalization on the central and eastern european banking systems2009»»»
Spulbar, Cristi Marcel
Spulbar, Tatiana
The implications of migration on economic development2009»»»
Voda, Ana Iolanda
The influence of globalization on romanian consumer attitudes2009»»»
Sasu, Constantin
The internal administrative system in Romanian public higher education2009»»»
Strajeri, Luminita Mihaela
Tatarusanu, Maria
The level of local economic development in the European Union countries under the impact of financial decentralization2009»»»
Onofrei, Mihaela
Chelaru, Elena
The new economy and economic strategies2009»»»
Radu, Florin
The perception of graduated student on the quality of romanian higher education system. Empirical results on the case of Academy of Economic Studies from Bucharest2009»»»
Nicolescu, Luminita
Paun, Cristian
The quality of higher education in the scope of some theories2009»»»
Siklos, Balazs
The re-spiritualization of economic education from the point of view of fulfillment of life2009»»»
Costea, Carmen
Popescu, Constantin
Tasnadi, Alexandru
Badea, Liana
Stanciu, Miltiade
The relevance of international trade competitiveness for globalization: services case2009»»»
Bobirca, Ana
Cristureanu, Cristiana
The role of institutions in supporting entrepreneurship in the ex-communist states of European Union2010»»»
Filip, Elena
The role of strategic planning on SME growth in Kosova2010»»»
Shala, Venet
Kutllovci, Enver
The romanian higher education in economics and business between state of the art and expectations2009»»»
Miron, Dumitru
The running of the public institutions in the context of globalization during the current economic and financial world crisis2010»»»
Scholtz, Bela
The various possible EU taxes2012»»»
Mihalache, Raluca Andreea
Tipuri de culturi organizationale2009»»»
Otelea, Mihaela
Tirania fiscala2015»»»
Salin, Pascal
Mursa, Gabriel
To only connect - globalization thoughts on excellence - connections - responsibility2009»»»
Ramey, Gerry
Towards a knowledge-based society within the European Union2009»»»
Burciu, Aurel
Hlaciuc, Elena
Nastase, Carmen
Tragedia monedei euro2011»»»
Bagus, Philipp
Mursa, Gabriel
Universitatea din Iasi (1860-2010) : facultati, profesori, scoli stiintifice2011»»»
Iacob, Gheorghe
Urban marketing - strategic instruments for local development in the context of globalization2009»»»
Albastroiu, Irina
Felea, Mihai
Using informal banking systems for transferring remittances: a migrant worker perspective2009»»»
Caunic, Irina
Utilizarea analizei cost-volum-profit pentru cuantificarea efectelor modificarii costurilor si preturilor2009»»»
Budugan, Dorina
Georgescu, Iulia
Validacion de un modelo evaluativo sobre la generacion de capital social en las redes de salud del CAPS/UDLA2009»»»
Fernanda Herrera, Maria
Valoarea justa - luminita de la capatul tunelului2009»»»
Paunescu, Mirela
Viata culturala din Iasi intre anii 1800 si 1948. Structuri si elemente definitorii2008»»»
Zastroiu, R.
Viitorul monedei unice europene dupa un deceniu de existenta2010»»»
Roman, Angela
Sargu, Alina Camelia
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